Top 10 Best Medical Schools in the US: How to Get In (2024)

A list of the top medical schools in the US, in addition to med school rankings and strategies to help you get admitted


Getting into any medical school is a notable achievement, especially since the majority of applicants do not get in anywhere. However, if you’re a high-achieving premed who has dedicated a great deal of time and effort to obtaining great grades, studying for the MCAT, and participating in extracurriculars, it makes sense that you’d want to attend the best medical school you can. For many, an acceptance from a top medical school is the ultimate validation of your sacrifices and hard work.

Getting into the best medical schools is hard, and it’s easy to understand why the competition for the limited number of seats is so fierce. Career opportunities for graduates of prestigious medical schools are limitless, as many go on to become Nobel Laureates, CEOs, or pioneers in medical research.

We’ve all heard of superstar premeds getting rejected from top med schools. So what does it really take, beyond great grades and test scores, to get in?

We’ve compiled a list below of the top 10 best medical schools, according to the 2023 U.S. News & World Report research rankings, along with admission statistics so you can better understand the admissions landscape. We’ll also share some high-yield strategies to help you stand out when applying so you can maximize your chances of getting accepted.

Suggested reading (Medical School Requirements in 2024: The Definitive Guide)


List of the top 10 best medical schools: 2023 rankings & admissions statistics

Top 10 Best Medical Schools
US News Ranking
Year Est.
Annual Tuition & Fees
Avg. GPA
Interview Rate
First-Year Class Size
Harvard Medical School
$77,673 (Pathways)
$77,691 (HST)
15.3% IS
9.1% OOS
163 (12.3% IS)
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
$70,315 IS
$70,315 OOS
120 (12.5% IS)
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
$71,935 IS
$71,935 OOS
157 (11.5% IS)
Columbia Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons
New York
$80,683 IS
$80,683 OOS
138 (17.4% IS)
Duke University School of Medicine
Tied for 5
$75,026 IS
$75,026 OOS
118 (13.6% IS)
Stanford University School of Medicine
Tied for 5
$73,628 IS
$73,628 OOS
89 (32.6% IS)
UCSF School of Medicine*
Tied for 5
San Francisco
$49,745 IS
$61,990 OOS
173 (69.9% IS)
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Tied for 5
$70,660 IS
$70,660 OOS
3.5 – 4.0
509/510 – 528
95 (10.5% IS)
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Tied for 5
St Louis
$71,544 IS
$71,544 OOS
124 (5.6% IS)
Weill Cornell Medical College
Tied for 10
New York
106 (30.2% IS)
NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Tied for 10
New York
$3,950 IS
$3,950 OOS
All students get a full-tuition scholarship
100 (7.0% IS)
Yale University School of Medicine
Tied for 10
New Haven
$73,495 IS
$73,495 OOS
104 (5.8% IS)

*Public medical schools | UR: Unranked | IS: In-state | OOS: Out-of-state | NA: Not available


How to get into top-10 medical schools

Strategy 1: Obtain high stats and develop a unique extracurricular profile.

To make it past the first hurdle when admissions committees review your application, you’ll want to ensure your stats are close to the average GPA and MCAT scores of the schools you’re interested in applying to. To be on the safe side, a 3.9+ GPA and 520+ MCAT score will make you a competitive applicant at all of the top 10 medical schools.

(Suggested reading: How to Get a Perfect MCAT Score: Strategies from a 528 Scorer)

In addition to achieving academically, top medical schools want to see that you’ve completed all of the extracurricular activities required by most programs. However, to be a standout candidate, you should select one or two extracurricular activities that you genuinely enjoy and achieve at the highest levels in them. You’ll want your application to have a clear theme to be memorable—aim to be known as “that guy who spearheaded multiple impactful projects aimed at helping Latino youth” or “that gal who volunteers at the nursing home and conducts Alzheimer’s research.”

(Suggested reading: How to Choose the Right Extracurricular Activities for Medical School)

Strategy 2: Organize your time around secondary essays

After working your way through your AMCAS application and crafting a personal statement that captures your essence, you’ll be invited to complete secondary applications for some (if not all) of the schools you’ve applied to. Each of these applications will require you to write even more essays specific to the school’s program. You may encounter prompts asking about diversity or adversity, or you could find yourself responding to the all-encompassing “Why us?” essay. Still other prompts may require a more creative response.

For the best chances of success on your applications, you should be applying to at least 15 to 25 medical schools–even adding 5 to 10 more if you have the resources. Should you receive a secondary application from each of those schools (or even most!), that translates into a lot of time and effort spent writing and revising.

As each school will have its own number of secondary essay prompts, it’s beneficial to think ahead and plan your time around the number of secondary essays you’ll need to complete. This can help you stay on track and construct the picture of yourself in your writing that you want adcoms to see.

How you plan to approach this task is up to you. Do you want to first tackle the prompts for the schools with more or fewer essays? Perhaps starting with essays by word count is better for you. Regardless of how you decide to plug away at the stack of essays, it’s important to have a plan. With this in mind, we’ve created a table listing the number of secondary essays required for each of the top 10 medical schools in the USA below.

Suggested reading: (Medical School Secondary Essays: The Complete Guide)

Top 10 Medical Schools
Number of Secondary Essays
Harvard Medical School
3 required, 1 optional
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
5 required, 3 optional
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
4 required
Columbia Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons
3 required, 4 if applicable
Duke University School of Medicine
8 required, 1 optional
Stanford University School of Medicine
5 required, 1 optional, 2 if applicable
UCSF School of Medicine
1 required, 2 if applicable
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
3 required, 2 optional
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
1 required, 2 optional
Weill Cornell Medical College
2 required, 2 if applicable
NYU Grossman School of Medicine
3 required, 2 if applicable
Yale University School of Medicine
2 required, 1 if applicable, 1 optional

Strategy 3: Carefully review each medical school’s mission statement and communicate fit in your application.

Although most top medical schools are seen as “one and the same”, you’ll still need to communicate how your experiences and interests make you a great fit for that program. To learn what each program cares about specifically, read each school’s website and get in touch with current students.

Many students mistakenly believe that by being overly complimentary of a school’s offerings, location, or reputation for excellence, they can win over admissions committees. However, schools already know what they have to offer! Instead, you should aim to discuss your background and why you would be a good fit for the school.

The good news is: there will be many opportunities to do this through your secondary essays and responses to interview questions.

Strategy 4: Don’t forget to prepare for interviews

Once you’ve sent off your secondary applications, you may be tempted to just sit back and anxiously await a response. However, this is a losing strategy as it wastes critical time you have to prepare for interviews.

Performing well in medical school interviews is a skill that requires a different kind of effective communication from writing your essays. Your mannerisms, personability, and thoughtfulness are all on display in real time. You’ll want to practice your answers to common questions so that you’re not caught off guard in the moment.

Additionally, knowing which interview style to prepare for is extremely important. Will you be encountering a traditional interview or the MMI? Ensuring you’re fully prepared for any situation will go a long way to leaving a lasting positive impression with adcoms.

Furthermore, make sure you read up on what interview day entails at the schools you apply to. What does the day’s schedule look like? Will you have a chance to meet with other students and ask questions of your own? Remember, interview day is not just a question and answer session with faculty, you’ll be on display throughout the day.

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